Friday, July 17, 2009

Picture perfect...Snow in March in Alabama

Alabama does not see much snow so when we got a good dusting of it on the first Sunday in March 2009 - everyone got their cameras out. I must say that this was the first time in my forty plus years on this earth that I had been to church while the snow was falling. The picture attached is at the back of our church- Wilton Baptist and it includes an old building that is no longer in use (actually it is to be removed from the site soon). However, it sure made for a perfect picture on this beautiful Sunday morning.

I stand amazed at the wonder of God's endless imagination - his artistry is beyond words. If earth can look this beautiful - I can only imagine the wonders of heaven.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Counting my blessings...

Last night as I was traveling home from work - in a fury to get to a meeting that I had called - a meeting that was important and I hated to be late. I was stuck in terrible traffic - the kind that does not move at all. I am not a patient person - I was late and needed to be on my way and yet here I was stuck in traffic no way to exit the interstate.....I fumed and fumed....waited and waited - finally we were slowly moving at a snail pace....slowly...slowly. As a reached the accident site, I was horrified at the thought of the families that had just been changed forever. The cars involved were unrecognizable -clothes were scattered in the trees - lives were lost. Chills ran all over me and suddenly I thanked God for the traffic, for the alone time in my vehicle, for everything. I am so selfish - I prayed for forgiveness and I counted my blessings.

Tomorrow I will probably be fussing about the traffic again but today I am thankful for all the obstacles that drop into my life......

GOD IS SO GOOD all the time!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Where did time go?

Where have I been? Why have I not updated this blog? Where did the time go? Just yesterday it was March - we were waiting on the new love of our life to come it is July - Lil Ben is SIX months old....Was I kidnapped by aliens? How did I neglect posting for sooooooo long? I have loads of information to share....good times, bad times - all of them GLORY TO GOD times.... Get ready your are fixing to be on Burns information overload.... I will recapture the last 4 months soon....Life is changing for me in the next couple of weeks and I will have plenty of free time to blog...

Remember God is good all the time and all the time God is good! Have a wonderful day!!!