Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Again time has flown by..

How did I get so far behind (see picture above) on my postings? I have so much to put in print that I am afraid now that I will leave out some of the details.....It is now November and the last time I posted was about something that happened in March... I am going to try and recount the major things that has happened over the last 6 months in the coming days....so much to remember! Hope this posts are not boring but they are so precious and important to us.

One thing I do know is that the Lord has blessed us tremendously this year - sure we have had our share of trials and difficult situations but we have also had numerous victories and we are still careful to give God the glory in the good and the bad.

The one thing that really needs to be said today - is this - THANK YOU LORD - for all the blessings in my life, for my family, my friends, my health, my job, my dogs, and so many other things but most the number one reason that I thank You is for Your son - Jesus Christ- who died for my sins and who saved me from the eternal fires of Hell.

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