Thursday, April 26, 2012

Just another Levi memory.....

Prior to the last couple of weeks that Levi was here with us, every evening had the same routine. I was always the last one home from work – usually after they had eaten and were ready to nap for a while. Levi would hear my car pull up and he always met me at the door! Eager to greet me with his whole little (65lb) body with the smiling because he knew that after I petted him….the fun would being. I always said hello to him – patted his head and then said – Levi where’s your ball? That was the signal that we were fixing to play.

Every night he would run back into the den to get his ball so that I could chase him…He would do this for hours if his little body would let him. Playing with him was so much fun! On this particular night, he went running into the den and sat by the back door. Levi always knew where his ball was normally but he just sat by the door that leads to the patio.

I looked everywhere for his ball….down on my hands and knees looking under the sofa, the TV stand, behind the toy box, under the recliners, behind the sofa…etc…etc…etc. I even made Coach Burns look for it also. After we combed the den and could not find it…we went to the kitchen, to the bedroom, to the big bathroom.. You get the picture – we must have spent a good 45 minutes looking for the ball.

All the while, Levi was sitting by the door patiently waiting. I finally said – Lil Ball Boy tonight we are going to have to use a different ball because mom can’t find your favorite. I then asked Coach Burns if Levi needed to go outside because he was sitting by the door – he assured me that they went out after dinner and he did not need to go back out.

And again, Levi sat patiently waited – I offered him several other balls to play with – he would not have any of them and stayed by the door. I finally decided that he must need to go outside despite what Coach Burns had told me. I opened the door – it was pitch black outside and Levi took off into the back yard running like he was chasing a cat….he must have stayed out there 10 minutes or so….I went into the laundry room to start the nightly chore of washing clothes only to return to the den and find my precious Levi ready to play ball because he had found his ball….in fact he knew exactly where it was at all the time….I just did not pay attention and let him outside to get it. What a smart little fellow he was.

The moral of this story is sometime I get so caught up in trying to fix/find/help things myself that I don’t realize that there is someone patiently waiting to answer my cares and concerns, my troubles, my insecurities, my loneliness, my pain if only I would notice that HE is waiting by the door.

“Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Thank You Lord for patiently waiting on me! And for the stories that can be told thru a Lil Ball Boy

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